Prepare to have your perception of cigars forever changed with the exquisite 5 PACK BACKWOODS WILD RUM blend. Discover the extraordinary flavor that sets this cigar apart from the rest. Grown on the fertile farms of Puerto Rico, these cigarillos feature a natural wrapper that enhances their richness and character.
BACKWOODS has mastered the art of crafting a cigar that strikes the perfect balance between strength and flavor. Experience a mild yet captivating blend that entices your taste buds without overwhelming them. Encased in a Connecticut Broadleaf, these cigars are flawlessly constructed using a homogenized tobacco leaf, guaranteeing a slow and consistent burn every time. Say goodbye to the need for short filler tobaccos, as this blend exclusively features natural tobaccos.
Each cigar measures 4.5 inches in length with a gauge of 32, ensuring a satisfying smoking experience that lasts. As an offshoot brand of ITG Brands, the third largest tobacco manufacturer in the nation, Backwoods upholds the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship.
If you’re already a fan of Backwoods cigars, prepare to be delighted by our extensive collection. Indulge in the diverse range of ALL BACKWOOD FLAVORS, each offering a natural and delightful smoking experience. From the classic to the unique, our online store is sure to have your favorite flavor waiting to be discovered.
Elevate your cigar enjoyment to new heights with the remarkable 5 PACK BACKWOODS WILD RUM blend. Experience the craftsmanship, flavor, and satisfaction that only Backwoods can deliver. Explore our selection today and find your perfect Backwoods flavor.
Package Includes:
- 1x Backwoods Cigar Wraps Wild Rum – 1PC
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