Indulge in pure relaxation with Black and Mild Cream cigars, designed to soothe your senses after a taxing day. These machine-made cigars feature a luxurious blend of pipe tobacco, enveloped in a perfectly crafted smoke. Discover the key features and benefits that make Black and Mild Cream cigars a cherished choice among discerning smokers.
Flavorful Variety: Elevate your smoking experience with an enticing array of flavors. Choose from delectable blends like wine, cream, apple, and cherry vanilla, each offering a unique and enjoyable taste. Find your perfect match and savor the rich flavors with every puff.
Unmatched Convenience: Experience the best of both worlds – the convenience of a cigar combined with the delightful essence of pipe tobacco. Black and Mild Cream cigars offer a harmonious fusion, delivering a smooth and satisfying smoke without the hassle of packing a pipe.
Delicately Mild Smoke: Embrace a mild and gentle smoking experience that caters to your refined palate. Black and Mild Cream cigars are renowned for their delicate yet flavorful smoke, ensuring a soothing and enjoyable session every time.
Perfect Dimensions: Designed for comfort and ease of handling, these cigars measure 5 inches in length and feature a ring gauge of 30. This ideal size strikes a balance between a satisfying smoke and a manageable size, allowing you to indulge in your relaxation ritual effortlessly.
Expert Craftsmanship: Manufactured by John Middleton Co. in Pennsylvania, Black and Mild cigars are synonymous with exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Each cigar is meticulously crafted to ensure a consistent and enjoyable smoking experience.
Immerse yourself in the world of relaxation with Black and Mild Cream cigars. From the enticing variety of flavors to the convenience of a pipe tobacco core, these cigars offer a delicately mild smoke that will captivate your senses. Experience the perfection of John Middleton Co.’s craftsmanship and elevate your smoking journey. Choose Black and Mild Cream cigars and savor moments of pure indulgence.
Package Includes:
- 1x Black & Mild Cigar Cream 5-Pack – 10ct Box
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