Indulge in the global sensation of Black and Mild Wood Tip Pack cigars, renowned among smokers worldwide as the ultimate companion to a glass of exquisite cognac or scotch whiskey. Prepare for an unparalleled smoking experience as we unveil the exceptional features and benefits of these extraordinary cigars.
Birch Wood Tip for Superior Draw: Elevate your smoking pleasure with the addition of a birch wood tip, carefully crafted to provide a finer quality draw. This unique feature enhances the savory taste of the tobacco, ensuring every puff is a moment of pure satisfaction.
Meticulously Blended Fillers: Immerse yourself in the artistry of flavor with Black and Mild. These cigars boast an impeccably balanced core, blending premium black Cavendish tobacco with tantalizing flakes of Burley and Golden Virginia tobaccos. The result is a harmonious composition that delivers a mellow and refined smoke, satisfying even the most discerning palate.
Exquisite Craftsmanship: Wrapped with the utmost precision, Black and Mild cigars showcase Middleton’s finest homogenized wrapper and binder. Every detail is meticulously attended to, ensuring a consistently superior smoking experience. These cigars are a testament to the dedication and expertise of John Middleton Co., Pennsylvania, renowned for their commitment to quality.
Secure Packaging for Optimal Freshness: Your satisfaction is our priority, which is why Black and Mild cigars are thoughtfully packaged to preserve their freshness. Our unique packaging not only safeguards the cigars during shipping but also guarantees their impeccable condition upon arrival. Enjoy each cigar as if it were handpicked just for you.
Elegant Shape and Size: Black and Mild cigars feature a classic Parejo-like shape that exudes timeless sophistication. With a length of 5 inches and a ring gauge of 30, these cigars offer the perfect balance between size and elegance, reminiscent of a Panatela. Elevate your smoking rituals with a cigar that is as visually captivating as it is flavorful.
Experience the epitome of smoking pleasure with Black and Mild Wood Tip Pack cigars. Delight in the exceptional draw provided by the birch wood tip, savor the harmonious blend of premium tobaccos, and revel in the refined smoke that awaits you. With meticulous craftsmanship and secure packaging, each cigar is a testament to the dedication we have to deliver an unparalleled smoking experience. Treat yourself to the epitome of cigar perfection and embark on a journey of pure indulgence.
Package Includes:
- 1x Black & Mild Cigar Regular Wood Tip 5-Pack – 10ct Box
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