Experience ultimate relaxation with Black and Mild Wine cigars, specially crafted to help you unwind after a hectic day. These exceptional machine-made cigars combine the smoothness of pipe tobacco with a delightful range of flavors, including wine, cream, apple, and cherry vanilla. Whether you crave a touch of elegance or a hint of fruity indulgence, Black and Mild has the perfect blend for your refined palate.
Indulge in the convenience of smoking a cigar with a pipe tobacco core, meticulously created by the renowned John Middleton Co. in Pennsylvania. With a length of 5 inches and a ring gauge of 30, these cigars are perfectly sized for a leisurely smoke, ensuring every puff is a moment of pure bliss.
Immerse yourself in the delicate pleasure of Black and Mild cigars, appreciated by smokers worldwide for their incredibly mild and satisfying smoke. Let the rich aroma and smooth draw transport you to a state of relaxation like no other. Whether you’re enjoying a solitary moment of tranquility or socializing with friends, these cigars provide the ideal companion for your cherished moments.
Upgrade your smoking experience with Black and Mild, the epitome of luxury and quality. Unleash your senses with their enticing flavors, appreciate the convenience of their design, and relish in the impeccable craftsmanship that sets them apart. Elevate your relaxation routine with Black and Mild Wine cigars – the perfect choice for discerning smokers seeking a truly exceptional cigar.
Package Includes:
- 1x Black & Mild Cigar Shorts Wine Single – 25ct Box
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